
Robin Online at the state’s main video communications conference

At the event, we presented the new Robin Online app and demonstrated its features: objects and banknote identifiers, and the operation of the long-awaited feature - Volunteer’s Help. 

We were able to provide a video connection between blind users and the volunteer centre with the support of TrueConf. Everything that a blind person needs to do is to press the right button on the app, and a volunteer can connect by video to help in a variety of situations: determine the the expiry date of products, find fallen objects, navigate the way in unfamiliar places, point to the nearest pedestrian crossing or entrance to a building is, etc.

Video+conference 2022 brought together the country's leading IT companies who presented their solutions and innovative projects for the import substitution of the companies that have left the Russian market. It was organised by a technological partner of the Robin Online project TrueConf - the leading Russian developer of software and devices for video conferencing, collaboration and education.

Thanks to our partners TrueConf for a fruitful cooperation and an invitation to take part in the event!
2022-09-29 18:00